
Creating a New Tribe

Creating a New Tribe

Today is about newness!  It’s about change! And it’s about being OK with selecting who gets to be in YOUR TRIBE!

The older and wiser I get each day, the more I realize it is totally appropriate to select people who are closest to you.  You don’t have to “tolerate” someone just because you used to be high school friends or your kids are in the same class together.  Energy is precious so protect it carefully.

Energy is precious so protect it carefully.

So often I see women put up with people in their lives that simply are not a good fit for them or are not healthy for them any longer.  The people you surround yourself with every day should energize you, inspire you, challenge you, support you, love you, encourage you and vice versa.  Now I am not saying that anyone who is having a crappy day should be dumped immediately  – their core needs to be good and you need to feel good around them 90% of the time.  We all have off days and times when we are not at our “personal best” but do yourself a favor and get rid of the weight and extra irritation and angst.

Create your own tribe and select well.  Remember – you are who you surround yourself with.

Maya Angelou

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